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When DI-Why has you ROTFL and saying OMG!

Hey there, readers! Ever found yourself glued to those DIY shows, snickering at the epic home fails and wondering, "What were they thinking?" I mean, seriously, mis-aligned toilet seats, wonky floorboards, and crooked light fixtures? It's like a comedy show disguised as home improvement. While I'm all for homeowners taking charge, there are definitely some skills that should be left to the professionals. Let me share with you a few of the most outrageous "upgrades" I've encountered while showing homes to clients.

Let's start with the holy grail of real estate fails—light fixtures! Now, taste is subjective, but some homeowners take it to the next level. We're talking about weird chandeliers that belong in a sci-fi movie or style-specific lights that clash with the home's overall vibe. The good news? It's usually an easy fix. The bad news? Breaking the news to the seller who's emotionally attached to their aquatic-themed lighting masterpiece.

Ah, bathrooms—a hot spot for noticeable DIY projects. Unless the seller is a bathroom renovation wizard, it's easy to spot the telltale signs of an amateur job. You know what I'm talking about—odd countertop layovers, tile work that's more of a jigsaw puzzle gone wrong, and outlet covers that seem to defy gravity with their crookedness. Bathrooms are a selling point, people! Leave the high-use, high-function spaces to the seasoned pros who know their way around a plunger.

And then we have flooring, the unsung hero (or villain) of many a homeowner fail. Picture this: You enter a home that promises new hardwood flooring, but instead, you're greeted by a patchwork quilt of mismatched wood, with short-cut end pieces and meeting joints that make you question the very fabric of reality. You just know that whoever buys that house will have to channel their inner demolition expert and rip out all those botched wood pieces, starting from scratch. Let's keep the home improvement dreams alive, shall we?

These are just a handful of the most obvious homeowner fails I've encountered during my years of showing and listing homes. So, if you're thinking of putting your house on the market, you better give me a call. I'll walk through your home and make sure it's show-ready—minus the wonky light fixtures, DIY bathroom nightmares, and flooring faux pas. Because when it comes to selling your home, laughter should be reserved for happy buyers, not bewildered ones. Happy house-hunting!


The Royal Realtor

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