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Fall-ing for Real Estate!

Fall in Texas, where the temps are just below 90 and pumpkin spice is in everything from coffee to candles. But guess what? It's also a fantastic time to sell your home! While some folks might think, "I'll just wait until next spring," savvy homeowners know that autumn is the perfect opportunity to rake in those sweet real estate deals. So, put on your cozy uggs, grab a pumpkin spice latte, and let's talk about what it takes to sell a home during the fall season.

1. Clean Up The Yard: "Leaf" No Stone Unturned! Sure, you missed the boat on those blooming spring flowers, but don't let that stop you from making your yard shine. Rake those dead leaves,trim those unruly bushes to let the sun in, and show those overgrown trees who's boss. 2. Create Autumn Curb Appeal: "Pansy" Your Way to a Sale! Pansies and petunias are your new BFFs when it comes to autumn curb appeal. Plant them in pots, place them on your steps, and let them "petunia-fy" your sidewalk. And don't forget to sprinkle some pumpkins and gourds around because nothing says "buy me" like a decorative squash or two! 3. Dress The Windows: "Window" to the Soul! Those smudged windows that you've ignored for months? Well, buyers won't. Make your windows sparkle like they're glitter on a preschool project! Clean and repair and torn screens, give them a good spray, and watch your home shine brighter than disco ball on a dance floor. 4. Check The HVAC: Keep It "Cool" and Fresh! No one wants to buy a house that smells like old gym socks. Change that furnace filter and have your HVAC system checked. A fresh, clean home is a happy home, and it will keep those potential buyers sniffing around for more. 5. Clean Out The Fireplace: "Flame" Up the Ambiance! If you have a wood-burning fireplace, light it up when potential buyers come through. If it's filled with cobwebs, vacuum it out, and maybe even consider arranging some quirky knickknacks in there. You want your fireplace to say, "Cuddle up here with a glass of wine and a furry throw blanket." 6. Prepare Autumn Dishes: "Simmer" with Delight! Who can resist the aroma of freshly baked pumpkin cupcakes or simmering apple cider? Nobody, that's who! So, whip up some autumn magic in your kitchen and let the scents of the season lure in potential buyers. Maybe even toss in a few cinnamon sticks and an open cookbook to showcase your culinary prowess. 7. Utilize Autumn Accent Colors: "Fall" for These Hues! Forget pumpkins and leaf patterns everywhere – we're going for subtlety here. Accessorize with autumn colors like brick-red, orange, and golden yellow. Throw some cozy quilts over chairs and create an autumn-themed centerpiece for the dining room. Your home should scream, "Fall in love with me!" 8. Turn On The Lights: "Brighten" the Day! With shorter days and longer shadows, lighting is your secret weapon. Throw those blinds wide open, push back those drapes, and turn on the lights.

So there you have it, selling your home in the fall is a piece of (pumpkin) pie! Don't wait until next year; get started now and enjoy a smooth sale that'll leave you feeling cozier than a cat on a windowsill. If you're ready to embark on your autumn real estate adventure, give me a call, and let's make your home the "apple" of someone else's eye! 🍂🏡😄


Sherri Myers,

The Royal Realtor

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